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Strategic Plan: Priority 3

Advance our role as a catalyst for research, collaboration, and equitable access to knowledge

We will strengthen relationships across campus to grow recognition of the library as an important partner at all stages of the research cycle. We will work to understand the needs and barriers of our diverse constituencies to conduct research and to collaborate. We will empower equity in access to knowledge, whether open access or restricted data (e.g., clinical data). We will strategically advance research by facilitating creation of new collaborations.

Goal 3.1: Enable entry for all users to FAIRER (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable, Ethical, Reproducible) data-driven research


  • Incorporate data ethics learning objectives in our data and computational educational offerings and research engagements.
  • Partner with historically and structurally marginalized users on campus to understand barriers to entry into data-intensive disciplines, and use feedback to enrich existing workshops to help students overcome these barriers.
  • Increase outreach to historically and structurally marginalized students and recruit historically and structurally marginalized workshop instructors.

Goal 3.2: Develop technology, networks, and partnerships to strengthen research collaboration and foster interdisciplinary innovation on campus


  • Augment the features and scope of our Aggie Experts researcher profiles platform.
  • Leverage and grow partnerships across campus to expand research computing support, increasing ease of access to computational resources.

Supports the idea of “Creating a support system to help campus researchers recognize new possibilities for collaboration and initiate partnerships” in Goal 2 of the UC Davis Strategic Plan, To Boldly Go.

Goal 3.3: Invest in the stewardship and reuse of data


  • Increase the awareness and reuse of existing UC Davis research data.
  • Increase the awareness and reuse of data acquired by or stewarded by UC Davis.
  • Continue investing in research and development around how modern web technologies (such as linked data) can improve how we represent UC Davis assets to the world.

Goal 3.4: Steward data around publications and other research outputs to highlight UC Davis’ excellence as a Minority-Serving Institution (recognition pending)


  • Expand our bibliometrics program to reflect the diversity of scholarship on campus.
  • Explore the potential of external partnerships with open citation initiatives to increase the impact of UC Davis research.

Goal 3.5: Continue our pursuit of equitable access to knowledge


  • As more open access agreements are reached, adapt our promotion of open access to those UC Davis researchers most impacted by those new agreements, incorporating emerging findings on why some researchers may not choose open access.
  • Enable the UC Davis community to more confidently apply U.S. copyright law and related UC policies to their own work as well as to the use of others’ by providing guidance through workshops and consultations.
  • Explore the feasibility of formalizing a UC Davis Open Scholarship Initiative to promote and foster open scholarship practices (inclusive of open science) at UC Davis.